Welcome Dragons!

Welcome Dragons!

Presented here are two different Flash games related to SAT Vocabulary. The games are intended to help students learn the meaning of common SAT words. Each game is different and helps practice memory skills in different ways.


Group 1


Group 2

List 1

flounder, aqueduct, goad, abduct, culture, inhabit, elegant guerrilla, fertile, buffoon


aloof, bulwark, encroach, chattel, incongruous, cerebral, belittle, austere, lament, connoisseur
List 2

drench, encroach, horizontal, allude, fleet, vertical, expunge, parallel, scrutinize, dilemma


delectable, asunder, roster, forbear, incite, trenchant, procrastinate, efface, impede, evade
List 3

conceal, wean, climate, swelter, magnate, petulant, shun, obsolete, despite, resident


entrap, dulcet, porcine, reminiscent, bludgeon, beleaguer, aghast, arduous, milieu, histrionic
List 4

dread, aghast, harsh, adjacent, transpire famine, wary, qualm, shoddy, hoax


propulsive, askew, ambiance, enrage, coterie, cranny, erode, girth, lassitude, cubism
List 5

hypnotize, endorse, remainder, carp, alfoat, outfox, enroll, craven, dovetail, gape


gossamer, harrowing, aptitude, queue, giddy, unwieldy, cower, chronic, irascible, endure
List 6

whimsical, scamper, wad, fervor, fowl, avert, runt, succor, prevail, zig zag


dromedary, demonic, atrophy, harangue, noxious, grandiloquent, caucus, myriad, accolade, proficient
List 7

passive, wail, agility, catamaran, colossal, underdog, retrieve, innate, parapet, acclaim


muster, glutton, catapult, dispute, mode, alienate, paranoia, beget, curtail, craven
List 8

shamble, embark, splice, quack, zeal, fetch, inept, literate, abound, prototype


occupant, martyr, blather, doldrum, citadel, consensus, aspire, obtuse, fjord, congenial
List 9

utter, porous, enamor, stifle, felon, bulletin, awry, limber, perturb, waft


curvilinear, karma, astute, draconian, artisan, bliss, defame, elapse, veer, misnomer
List 10

falter, intuition, sleazy, adage, embed, clamity, survive, encumber, dismantle, obtain


guise, gird, lesion, forage, fetish, disperse, dissolution, criterion, amenable, precarious
List 11

culprit, zany, jar, diverge, burden, scowl scurry, divulge, rage, frenzy


denounce, fathom, divine, badger, balm, countenance, alternative, torque, docile, hovel
List 12

delectable, novelty, derelict, peril, raze, inert, crevice, marauder, lull, paltry


elfin, claimant, wane, ensemble, tether, aggrandize, also-ran, chasm, erudite, fraught
List 13

turncoat, shackle, wrench, compile, cram, detain, futile, nourish, recite, explore


oust, mirage, philanthropic, entice, hoard, coup, cloister, noisome, languish, misanthropic
List 14

vex, refrain, frugal, garble, impale, windfall, miniscule, throttle, waddle, detest


deftly, antecedent, creditor, verbatim, truncate, ubiquitous, douse, forsake, embody, pillage
List 15

commuter, rue, bilk, expedite, mar, genteel, pacify, prone, wilt, plumb


prowess, sundry, insouciant, dearth, revere, phobia, legacy, generalize, callous, somber
List 16 collapse, probe, graph, extremity, gall, emulate, unwieldy, tirade, income, compatible gloat, ramification, allure, commodious, amble, vegetate, edifice, pique, dispel, muse